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The Epicenter of the Prophetic Narrative of the Angel of Jehovah with worldwide impact that will lead to the Great Tribulation (Daniel 11:41-45 ; 12:1)

The Epicenter of the Prophetic Narrative of the Angel of Jehovah with worldwide impact that will lead to the Great Tribulation (Daniel 11:41-45 ; 12:1)

Daniel Prophecy Update Chapter 11 and 12:1 of The Two Kings

What is happening in the Middle East?

The purpose of this study is to make an update, given the tragic events which take place between Russia and Ukraine, and also more recently in Israel, regarding the attack of Hamas, on October 7, 2023, in the territory of Israel, Israeli army reprisals on the Gaza Strip. In addition to this attack on the Gaza Strip, there are clashes in the West Bank (Cisjordanie) between Israeli settlers, Palestinians and the Israeli Defense and Security Forces. Added to this are the beep attacks in Lebanon, which took place on September 17 and 18, 2024, perpetrated by Israel, causing the deaths of 37 people and injuring 2,931 people over the two days (according to Amnesty International figures). These beep attacks, perpetrated by Israel, were part of the conflict with Hezbollah in southern Lebanon. On September 23, 2024, an Israeli attack against Hezbollah in Lebanon caused the deaths of 558 people and injuring 1,800 people (according to Amnesty International figures).

However, the determining event concerning the whole situation in the Middle East is the fall of the government regime of Bashar al-Assad on December 8, 2024. The attack against the regime of Bashar al-Assad took place with the Turkish armies supporting the Islamist militias of the HTC (Hayat Tahrir Al-Cham). They entered through Aleppo and then seized the city of Damascus. Bashar al-Assad was evacuated by the Russian army to Russia. He has been replaced by an Islamist named Abu Mohammed al-Joulani. He is the former number 2 of Daesh (a former jihadist of the Al-Nusra Front, Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State (in Iraq)) whose head was put at a price of 10 million dollars by the United States as a terrorist. While Abu Mohammed al-Joulani seized power in Damascus, the Israelis bombed Syrian military bases, the air force and the navy, in order to prevent the Islamists from seizing these military arsenals. Israel took advantage of this to completely annex the Golan Heights and the entirety of Mount Hermon. This entire military operation has been carried out under the supervision of the American State Department (the "coincidence" of the calendar meant that American General Jasper Jeffers was in Lebanon about a week before the attack by the Turkish army (part of NATO), supporting the Islamist militias of Abu Mohammed al-Joulani).

This event completely changes the influence of the forces present, political and military in this part of the Middle East. Hezbollah, as a militia, no longer has the direct military support of Iran. Hamas is in fact increasingly isolated. Iran (which supported Hezbollah) and Russia did not support the regime of Bashar al-Assad, against the attack of the Turkish-jihadist armies so that we understand that from now on, their military presence will cease in this area of ​​the Middle East (which has consequences on the war in Yemen). The future should be increasingly dark for the Palestinian populations of the Gaza Strip as well as those of the West Bank. The mystical impulses of the Israeli head of state could lead him to completely annex the Gaza Strip and the West Bank (greater Israel).

In conclusion of this update, the regime of Bashar al-Assad (in Syria) and the Hezbollah militias (in South Lebanon) had a more or less stabilizing effect in this region. Now, the fact that the Americans have installed jihadists in Damascus, will make the situation much more unstable, even chaotic on a political and military level. This update is all regarding to the understanding of the prophecy of Daniel, in the Middle East (the king of the north and the king of the south). There will be a summary of this prophecy from its fulfillment in 1948, during the creation of the State of Israel. It is important to recall the main point of understanding of this prophecy of Daniel, that the geographical location is the country of the Decoration (Israel), between the North Syria and the South Egypt, will be the epicenter, that is to say the place from which will begin the great tribulation: "During that time Michael will stand up, the great prince who is standing in behalf of your people. And there will occur a time of distress such as has not occurred since there came to be a nation until that time. And during that time your people will escape, everyone who is found written down in the book" (Daniel 12:1).

The prophecies of Zechariah and Jesus Christ are pointing to the epicenter of the great tribulation, in Jerusalem: "Jehovah will go out and war against those nations as when he fights in the day of a battle. In that day his feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, which faces Jerusalem on the east; and the Mount of Olives will be split in half, from east to west, forming a very great valley; and half of the mountain will move to the north, and half of it to the south" (Zechariah 14:3,4). "For then there will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again" (Matthew 24:21). The geographical place of the prophecy of Jesus Christ, regarding the great tribulation, is in Jerusalem. If the great tribulation will impact the whole world, according to the prophecies of Daniel, Zechariah and the declarations of Christ, it will have as an epicenter the Middle East and more particularly Jerusalem.

Some believed that the conflict between Russia and Ukraine could lead to a third world war, or even a nuclear conflict with catastrophic effects for all of humanity. The conflict between Russia and Ukraine is both the result of clumsy diplomacy (more or less voluntary, or strategic) and by the non-compliance, by the Western Bloc, including Ukraine, of the Minsk agreements (September 5, 2014, between Russia and Ukraine, concerning the Donbass region (east of Ukraine)). The entry of the Russian armies into the Donbass territory on February 24, 2022, was the continuity of the Donbass war, which began in April 2014, and which had made 13,000 victims (most of them being civilians) (before the entrance of Russian troops on Ukrainian soil (in February 2022)).

If this war was caused by catastrophic diplomacy on both sides, it can be resolved diplomatically, because the parties involved are well identified state blocks. It seems that currently the United States will gradually end this conflict between Ukraine and Russia. It seems that the abrupt change of December 8, 2024, of the fall of Bashar al-Assad, without the military support of the Russians, would have been part of a "deal" between the Russians and the Americans (NATO). NATO would cease military support to Ukraine, ending the conflict and allowing the Russians to seize the conquered territories, while it would withdraw its military bases in the Middle East (which in fact would allow NATO not to lose too much face due to its bitter defeat in Ukraine, counterbalanced by a military victory on December 8, 2024 (by means of the Turkish army (NATO member), in the Middle East).

As for the conflict in the Middle East, the situation is much more inextricable because the parties involved in conflict are much more atomized in a multiplicity of rival factions. Under these conditions, peace diplomacy is much more difficult to achieve, see almost impossible. The military operation in Syria on December 8, 2024, orchestrated by the American State Department, by installing a former jihadist at the head of Syria, does not bode well for the entire region, for the Palestinian populations and for the Christians of the East... This is why, in a slightly more condensed way, we will recall some important points of the prophecy of Daniel of the two kings (11 to 12:1,2).

We must understand that this prophecy is focused on the former territory of Israel, as a symbol, in the past, of the sovereignty of Jehovah on Earth. Particularly after the Second World War (1948), in the last part of the prophecy, the narrative shows that the epicenter of the dramatic worldwide events that will lead to the Great Tribulation, is in the former promised land, the "Land of Decoration" (Daniel 11:44 -12:1).

In the beginning of the Prophecy, the king of North is the “North” in connection with Israel as “Land of Decoration”, that is Syria. The king of the South is the “South” in connection with Israel as “Land of Decoration”, that is Egypt. Though even the front of the conflict between the two Kings, has moved, over the centuries, particularly in Western Europe, the prophecy of the two Kings, in the framework of the narrative of Daniel 11, is truly "circular": it began in Israel (in the Middle East) and will have the final fulfillment, geographically and historically, in Israel (in the Middle East), until the Great Tribulation.

The symbolism of Daniel 11:41,42, is the prophetic illustration of Zionism (Mount Zion being the place where Jerusalem is, the capital of Israel at the biblical time). According to the Bible, God gave the promised land to Israel at the time of Moses (Deuteronomy 2:1-23).

The Judaic Zionists and the American Zionists as evangelical Christian (fundamentalist Protestants), believe that the same divine law which existed at the time of Moses, at the moment of entry of the Israelites into the Promised Land, is still in effect. This prophecy shows the decisive role of the king of the south, the current world power, in the constitution of the state of Israel in 1948 and then regarding the conquest of the land of the Decoration (Palestine).

The American power has played a key political role to allow the Jewish people to have an independent state recognized by the UN. Financial aid for the purchase of arms through the American Jewish diaspora (represented by the Jewish Agency), has played a very important role in Israel’s military superiority against the Arab states. The conflicts between Arabs and Israelis have resulted, ultimately, in the confiscation of a large part of the territories of Palestine where the Arab civilian populations lived, inhabited by them in three quarters of the territory (forced to flee the fighting without the possibility to return to their home). The new nation of Israel created in 1948, ensured its territorial security by its military superiority in the conflicts, particularly with Egypt (The Six Days war (1967)).

It is written this for to describe the worldwide consequences of the conquest of the “Land of Decoration” by the king of South: “He will also enter into the land of the Decoration, and many lands will be made to stumble” (Daniel 11:41).

Indeed, the creation of the State of Israel had international consequences leading to a new form of conflict: international terrorism organized by few states or political organizations hostile to the creation of the State of Israel, until our days. Palestinian terrorist attacks, Libyans, many wars in the Middle East, in Lebanon, in Syria, in Iraq with a worldwide impact, with many civilian and military victims both in the Middle East in the world, represent, in fact, the consequences of the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, according to the prophecy of Daniel.

The conflict in Ukraine hid (by means of the media in the West) conflict in the Middle East, with extremely dangerous consequences for all of humanity. What happen? There is a text of the prophecy of Daniel, which is just before the great tribulation: "But reports out of the east and out of the north will disturb him, and he will go out in a great rage to annihilate and to devote many to destruction. And he will plant his royal tents between the grand sea and the holy mountain of Decoration; and he will come all the way to his end, and there will be no helper for him" (Daniel 11:44,45). This prophecy shows a conflictual situation out of the north and out of the east. The North represents Syria which includes Lebanon. What link between these two countries, in particular, Lebanon, can have with the east? To understand which nation is linked to Lebanon and Syria, it is appropriate to summarize the forces that were present in the Middle East until December 8, 2024 (date of the fall of the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad).

Israel is a vassal nation of the United States. Egypt, in the southwest, an objective ally of the United States. Golf countries (Sunni Muslims) are objective allies of the United States. In addition to the explosive situation between the nation of Israel and the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, through Hamas (Sunni Muslims), there is a conflict between Sunni Muslims and Shiites Muslims particularly in Yemen, with the Saudi Arabia. This information is because Iran was an objective ally of the Yemeni forces in opposition to Saudi Arabia. Iran, a country out of the east, was the first power both political and military in the Middle East. Hezbollah was a militia, located in south Lebanon, which was financially and military helped by Iran. Thus, this link between the North and the Est in conflict with Israel are Syria and Lebanon, in connection with Iran. Israel was caught up in two conflicts, one in the Gaza Strip and to the north, with Hezbollah, located in south Lebanon.

Currently, since December 8, 2024, the forces present have completely changed. The Russian and Iranian political and military influence will considerably decrease (or even disappear completely). Hezbollah and Hamas risk disappearing as organized armed militias (their resistance should be more sporadic). The Americans have installed a Sunni jihadist regime in Syria (close to the Muslim Brotherhood), in the north, facing Israel. Now (since December 8, 2024), the main forces present are the United States, Israel and Turkey. It is likely that global instability in the Middle East can only get worse according to Daniel's prophecy. It is from this geographical location that the beginning of the great tribulation will come (Daniel 11:44,45 to 12:1). The much more detailed explanation of this prophecy of Daniel (chapter 11 to 12:1,2), is found below.


How to understand the overall coherence of the prophecy of Daniel chapter 11 about the king of north and the king of south?

  • To understand this prophecy, it is important to remain, as possible, in the framework of the context of the prophecy of Daniel, particularly in the chapters: 2, 4, 7, 8. These keys of understanding are mainly given by Jehovah, through Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16).
  • The angel of Jehovah, in this prophetic narrative, was focusing on the central theme of the prophetic book of Daniel: The Restoration of Jehovah God Sovereignty on Earth and the Disappearance of Satan's Sovereignty Represented by Human (Godless) Domination on Earth (Daniel 2:34, 44; 7:14). Therefore, the angel of Jehovah gave a special attention to the Jehovah's Worshippers as, “Holy Ones", “sons of your people”, “Those having insight”. They remain faithful, even at the cost of their life, faithful to the sovereignty of God (Daniel 7: 17,18,21,22,25,26,27; 8:24 (Holy Ones); 12: 1 (son of your people)); 11 :32-35 ; 12 :3,10 (Those having insights)). The congregation of the Holy Ones is named the “Holy Place”, in connection with the Spiritual Temple (Daniel 8:13,14; 9:26). The sacred service of the Holy Ones is named “the continual sacrifice” (Daniel 8 :10-14 ; 11 :30,31 ; 12 :11). The special relationship of the Holy Ones with God is named the “holy covenant” (Daniel 11:28-30).
  • We must understand that this prophecy is focused on the former territory of Israel, as a symbol, in the past, of the sovereignty of Jehovah on Earth. Particularly after the Second World War (1948), in the last part of the prophecy, the narrative shows that the epicenter of the dramatic worldwide events that will lead to the Great Tribulation, is in the former promised land, the "Land of Decoration" (Daniel 11:44 -12:1).
  • In the beginning of the Prophecy, the king of North is the “North” in connection with Israel as “Land of Decoration”, that is Syria. The king of the South is the “South” in connection with Israel as “Land of Decoration”, that is Egypt. Though even the front of the conflict between the two Kings, has moved, over the centuries, particularly in Western Europe, the prophecy of the two Kings, in the framework of the narrative of Daniel 11, is truly "circular": it began in Israel (in the Middle East) and will have the final fulfillment, geographically and historically, in Israel (in the Middle East), until the Great Tribulation.
  • Another important point regarding the change of identity of the two Kings (dynasty): there is only one change, connected with the world power. That is, the conflict between the two Kings begins under the Greek world power with two dynasties of Kings: The king of the North, the Syrian King Seleucus I Nicator and his dynasty, and the king of the South, the Egyptian King Ptolemy Lagus and his dynasty.
  • Then, according to the prophecy of Daniel 2, 7, 8, this Greek world power, is supplanted by the Roman world power, until our days (in terms of Roman Late Antiquity). Therefore, it was at that moment that the identity of the two Kings changed. According to the prophecy of Daniel, these two Kings will be in conflict in the framework of this Roman Late Antiquity. Therefore, one king will be from a “Western Roman Empire" Late Antiquity, and the other as “Eastern Roman Empire” Late Antiquity. The King of South is the sovereignty of the “Western Roman Empire" Late Antiquity. It is particularly represented, now, by the United States as a world power and Israel and Egypt in the Middle East, as representative of this imperialism in the Middle East. The King of North is the sovereignty of the “Eastern Roman Empire” Late Antiquity in its Germanic part.
  • Last very important point, the narrative of the conflict between these two Kings, ends with the victory of the King of the South at the end of the second world war and at the founding of the modern State of Israel (1948) (Daniel 11:40-43). Then, the angel of Jehovah focused his narrative on the worldwide consequences of the establishment of this State in the Middle East, that will lead to the Great Tribulation (Daniel 11:44-12:1).


- The king of the North, the Syrian King Seleucus I Nicator and his dynasty
- The king of the South, the Egyptian King Ptolemy Lagus and his dynasty

- The king of the North, the Syrian King Seleucus I Nicator and his dynasty
- The king of the South, the Egyptian King Ptolemy Lagus and his dynasty


The prophecy of Daniel 11:5-45 is a difficult Bible Enigma. The fact that the human sovereignty is represented as a statue in Daniel 2, is nothing strange regarding this human morphology or shape. For example, the lower part of the statue, thighs, legs, feet and toes, reveal the evolution of this human sovereignty over the time, until the end. The study of this prophecy is according the lower part of the statue, from the copper thighs to the iron legs, feet and toes, with “molded clay”.

The Kingdom symbolized by copper is Greece, while the Kingdom symbolized by the iron is the Roman Empire, which lasts until today (Daniel 2:32b, 33, 39-43). The fact that the copper is located both on the belly, and then on the thighs, this means that ultimately the Greek Empire would later be mainly divided in two parts. And it is precisely within this empire divided that begins this binary worldwide rivalry between the King of the North and the King of the South.

Before the bipolarity of this worldwide conflict during centuries, this prophecy explains how this Greek empire would be divided, thus echoing to another prophecy of Daniel, on this first splitting into four parts (compare Daniel 8:5.8 and 11:3,4). However, this division in four parts will ultimately become, a division in two worldwide parts of the Greek Empire.

The first identity of the two kings And it is precisely within this empire divided that begins this binary global rivalry between the King of the North and the King of the South.

With these two dynasties, one being from Syria (North), and the other from Egypt (South), begins this bipolar worldwide conflict (Daniel 11: 5-19), with the Land of Decoration as real geographical epicenter, since the beginning and until the end of this prophecy... Thus, while the statue brings out the beginning unity of the Greek Kingdom by mean the symbolism of the copper belly, but also by the appearance of a Great Horn (in Daniel 8:8,20-22):

"Then the male goat exalted itself exceedingly, but as soon as it became mighty, the great horn was broken; then four conspicuous horns came up instead of the one, toward the four winds of the heavens. (...) The two-horned ram that you saw stands for the kings of Meʹdi·a and Persia.  The hairy male goat stands for the king of Greece; and the great horn that was between its eyes stands for the first king.  As for the horn that was broken, so that four stood up instead of it, there are four kingdoms from his nation that will stand up, but not with his power" (Daniel 8:8,20-22).

It leads to term, in a bipolar division of the Kingdom, represented by the two copper thighs of the statue (Daniel 2:32 b, 39).

The History informs us that these two countries, the Syria and Egypt would fall under the Roman domination. After, the continuation of the history of these two futures new Kings, would be done in the context of the historical evolution of the Roman Empire, during the centuries. And it is in this context of the prophecy of Daniel chapters 2,7,8, that should be put into perspective this prophecy of Daniel 11: 20-45, to understand the overall coherence of the resolution of this Bible enigma.

The Roman Empire prevails over the Greek Empire

"After this I kept watching in the visions of the night, and I saw a fourth beast, fearsome and terrifying and unusually strong, and it had large iron teeth. It was devouring and crushing, and what was left it trampled down with its feet. It was different from all the other beasts that were prior to it, and it had ten horns" (Daniel 7:7)


"And there will stand up in his position one who causes an exactor to pass through the splendid kingdom, but in a few days he will be broken, though not in anger nor in warfare.
“And there will stand up in his position a despised one, and they will not give him the majesty of the kingdom; and he will come in during a time of security and take hold of the kingdom by means of smoothness. And the arms of the flood will be swept away on account of him, and they will be broken; as will be the Leader of the covenant. And because of their alliance with him, he will carry on deception and rise up and become mighty by means of a little nation. During a time of security he will come into the richest parts of the province and do what his fathers and their fathers have not done. Plunder and spoil and goods he will distribute among them; and against fortified places he will plot his schemes, but only for a time" (Daniel 11:20-24).

It is a break with the beginning of the story of this prophetic saga, and until the verse 24, it is not mentioned the King of the North, and the King of the South, as if it would be a transitional period of the world history, in the context of the conflict between these two Kings or this bipolar worldwide conflict. This is a transitory period for three reasons:

The first reason is that Roman Empire becomes the official worldwide (Iron) Power, replacing the Greek Worldwide (Copper) Power. Now, the future King of the North and the King of the South would be in the new historical context of the Worldwide Roman domination, until the End (Daniel 12:1).

The second reason is that, in the beginning, the Roman Empire dominates both in the territory of the origin King of North, Syria, and the origin King of the South, Egypt and also in the Land of Decoration.

The third reason, this period is called the "Pax Romana", "During a time of security" (Daniel 11:24a).

The exactor mentioned is Caesar Augustus, emperor who ordered a census to better collect taxes. This census took place at the time of the birth of the child Jesus (Autumn of 2 BCE), which forced Joseph and Mary to go from Galilee to Judea, to be recorded (Luke 2:1-7 ). In this way the prophecy of Micah 5:2 has been fulfilled, as it is written that the Messiah would be born in "Bethlehem Ephratha", near Jerusalem (Matthew 2:6). On the other hand, we can read and verify that the child Jesus, who would become the Christ, was indeed a descendant of King David, by his (adoptive) father Joseph (Matthew 1:1-16) and by his mother Mary (Luke 3:23-38 (the son-in-law (Joseph the bridegroom) became the son of the father-in-law (verse 23b)).
Daniel 11:22, mentions the death of the "Leader of the Covenant", Jesus Christ, executed during the reign of Tiberius Caesar, on 14 Nisan 14, 33 (CE) (Pontius Pilate being governor of Judea) (The narrative in Matthew 27).

However, this period of "Pax Romana", was “relative peace” because "Rome always engaged battle against the peoples and the tribes in the periphery, including the Germanic and Parthian peoples". This information, especially regarding the conflict with the "Germanic peoples", is important because it allows to understand the beginning of the open conflict between the two future kings, in the framework of this Roman Empire territory.


- The Eastern Roman Empire becomes the King of the North (in its Germanic Part)
- The Western Roman Empire, the King of the South

- The Eastern Roman Empire becomes the King of the North (in its Germanic Part)
- The Western Roman Empire, the King of the South

"And he will muster his power and his heart against the king of the south with a large army, and the king of the south will prepare himself for the war with an exceedingly large and mighty army. And he will not stand, because they will plot schemes against him. And those eating his delicacies will bring his downfall.
“As for his army, it will be swept away, and many will fall down slain.
“As regards these two kings, their heart will be inclined to do what is bad, and they will sit at one table speaking lies to each other. But nothing will succeed, because the end is yet for the time appointed.
“And he will go back to his land with a great amount of goods, and his heart will be against the holy covenant. He will act effectively and go back to his land" (Daniel 11:25-28).

According the context of Daniel’s prophecy chapters 2, 7, 8, it is a description of a worldwide Roman civilization Influence or Roman Late Antiquity (Late Roman Empire) or Late Greco-Roman Antiquity context.

And to determine the very generic identity of these two Kings until our days, we should review the historical outline of the Roman Empire. The difficulty is to know the adequate biblical identity that would be a generic expression of the identities of the future King of the North and the King of the South. For this, it is important to know that the Roman Empire would definitely be split in two worldwide territories:

Who are the respective Kings of those Roman Empires, the Eastern Roman Empire and the Western Roman Empire?

In Daniel 11:25,26, it is written that the King of the North takes the initiative in the conflict. The Germanic peoples will be the iron of the lance, by attacking the King of the South, the Western Roman Empire. In response, he “will prepare himself for the war” but as a result, he “will be swept away” and “will fall down slain”. Finally the Germanic peoples will impose their military superiority over the Western Roman Empire in 476 C.E. and formally incorporating the Eastern Roman Empire in 480 C.E.

Comparing Daniel 11:25, 26, and the History of Western Roman Empire, we easily understand that the Eastern Roman Empire becomes the King of the North (in its Germanic Part), and the Western Roman Empire, the King of the South. The Eastern Roman Empire will survive the collapse of the Western Roman Empire officially occurred in 476 C.E.

The following biblical passage of Daniel 11:25-43, is simply the historical statement of this struggle for the world influence between Western Roman Empire (King of the South) and the Eastern Roman Empire (King of the North), in the framework of the Roman Late Antiquity (Roman Influence). However, each of these two Worldwide Roman Influences (two iron legs (Daniel 2)), over the centuries, will be a country or a coalition of countries which would act on his behalf or “spearhead” of one of this two Roman Empires.

Regarding to Daniel 11: 25,26, there are two main factors that caused the collapse of the Western Roman Empire officially in 476 C.E.: the German people’s war against the Western Roman Empire. After the victory, the Germanic people would integrate the Eastern Roman Empire, in 480 C.E. The second factor is described as either a decline or its own societal decay: "And those eating his delicacies will bring his downfall"… 

The Germanic Peoples were part of the Roman Empire. So the beginning of this conflict between the two Kings, took place within the origin sphere of influence of the two Roman Empires, in the Western and the Eastern part.

Daniel 11: 25-28 summarizes this rivalry leading to the supremacy of the King of the North (Eastern Roman Empire), on the King of the South (Western Roman Empire) until the "the time appointed" (1914), mentioned in Daniel 11:29. However, the Western Roman Empire does not disappear after 476 C.E, according to Daniel’s prophecy:

These Germanic Peoples (as “Spearhead” of the Eastern Roman Empire), will install Royal dynasties, as Merovingian Dynasty, Carolingian Dynasty, in the Western part of Europe, and by means of the Holy Roman Empire, placing themselves under the influence of the Roman Catholic Church (representation of the extension of the Western Roman Empire, Roman Late Antiquity Influence). So the Western Roman Empire (King of the South) as Western Roman Influence, will continue to exist and coexist "at one table” to the side of the Eastern Roman Empire (King of the North), Byzantium, and later with the Holy Roman Empire.

After the end of the Byzantine empire, Germanic peoples with the Eastern Coalition countries, would take the leadership of this Roman Eastern Empire (King of the North) by the Holy Roman Empire of the Teutonic nation (nationis Teutonicae) (or Germanic), facing the Western Roman Empire (King of the South), mainly through the Capetian Dynasty.

In Daniel chapters 7, it is described the evolution of the Roman Western Empire (as Roman Influence) (King of the South). From 1492, the discovery of the Americas by Christophe Colomb, acting on behalf of the Spanish Maritime Power (including also Portugal and Holland), will begin an era of worldwide conquest primarily led by the three 'maritime' horns (ships of Kittim): Spain (Portugal and Holland included), France and the British Empire. These three nations of Western Europe wouldl colonize, by sea (ships of Kittim) a large part of the continent (the Americas, Africa, Australia, Asia, the Middle East, and numerous islands of the oceans°. As the Western Roman Influence Empire (King of the South), these three nations (horns) will be supplanted by the Horn of the United States of America, which will be the main representative  of the Western Roman Power (King of the South) (Daniel 7: 8,20,24).

The prophecy of Daniel chapter 11 is describing the continental superiority of the King of the North, and the King of the South as maritime power through the expression "ships of Kittim" (Daniel 11:29). This biblical generic expression can equally apply to the three Western Europe “horns” (France, Spain (Portugal, Holland included), and British Empire), and the Horn which supersedes them, United States of America.

"At the time appointed he will return and come against the south. But this time will not be as it was before, for the ships of Kitʹtim will come against him, and he will be humbled" (Daniel 11: 29, 30a): The First World War (1914-1918)


"At the time appointed he will return and come against the south. But this time will not be as it was before, for the ships of Kitʹtim will come against him, and he will be humbled" (Daniel 11: 29, 30a):

It is the prophetic narrative of the First World War (1914-1918). The Eastern Roman Empire as Germanic King of North takes the initiative of a military campaign against the King of South. But the "ships of Kittim", the maritime forces of the King of the South, representing the Western Maritime Roman Empire (United States of America and United Kingdom), discourage the King of the North (end of the 1st World War).

In the context of the First World War, this biblical expression applies primarily, both in the Navy of the British Empire, as to the Navy of United States of America, which intervention has been decisive in the victory of the Western Roman Empire, Western Europe coalition of Countries against the Eastern Europe coalition, mainly represented by Germany.

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The biblical expression “But this time will not be as it was before” announced, that the outcome of the conflict between these two kings would be different from the beginning and the end of the first battle that had resulted in the unquestioned superiority of the King of the North for many centuries. This time, the King of the South, in this second great conflict with the two first parts of the war (11:29-43) (first World War, Second World War), would be the victorious king (especially as written in Daniel 11: 40-43), particularly with the conquest of the “Land of Decoration”.

The Bloody Revenge of the King of the Romano-Germanic North (1933-June 1944) (Daniel 11:30b-39)

The expression “And arms will stand up, proceeding from him; and they will profane the sanctuary”, seems to allude to the Fascist and Nazi salute, like the former Roman salute, with the arm and the hand extended, in expression of the worship to the Führer, Adolph Hitler, as god of the nation (in the same way of the Roman Emperors)

The expression “And arms will stand up, proceeding from him; and they will profane the sanctuary”, seems to allude to the Fascist and Nazi salute, like the former Roman salute, with the arm and the hand extended, in expression of the worship to the Führer, Adolph Hitler, as god of the nation (in the same way of the Roman Emperors)


The military superiority of the King of the Germanic North, over the the Western King of South, during the first part of the Second World War (1939-June 1944)

"He will go back and hurl denunciations against the holy covenant and act effectively; and he will go back and will give attention to those leaving the holy covenant. And arms will stand up, proceeding from him; and they will profane the sanctuary, the fortress, and remove the constant feature.
“And they will put in place the disgusting thing that causes desolation.
“And those who act wickedly against the covenant, he will lead into apostasy by means of smooth words. But the people who know their God will prevail and act effectively. And those having insight among the people will impart understanding to the many. And they will be made to stumble by sword and by flame, by captivity and by plundering, for some days. But when they are made to stumble, they will be given a little help; and many will join with them by means of smooth speech. And some of those having insight will be made to stumble, in order to do a refining work because of them and to do a cleansing and a whitening until the time of the end; because it is yet for the time appointed.
“The king will do as he pleases, and he will exalt himself and magnify himself above every god; and against the God of gods he will speak astonishing things. And he will prove successful until the denunciation comes to a finish; because what is determined must take place. He will show no regard for the God of his fathers; nor will he show regard for the desire of women or for any other god, but he will magnify himself over everyone. But instead he will give glory to the god of fortresses; to a god that his fathers did not know he will give glory by means of gold and silver and precious stones and desirable things. He will act effectively against the most fortified strongholds, along with a foreign god. He will give great glory to those who give him recognition, and he will make them rule among many; and the ground he will apportion out for a price" (Daniel 11:30b-39).

This part of the prophecy describes the military superiority, of the Romano-Germanic king of the  North (Germany, the Axis power, Italy and Japan), over the Romano-Western, king of the South (the United States and the mainly Western allies (Great Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and later, France), from 1939 to 1944. As for Russia, which was the objective ally of the Westerners, in a large part of the Second World War, it must be remembered that at first they made a pact with Hitler to better annex part of Poland (The German-Soviet Pact (1939)). Some people will say, with good reason, that it was to save time. Nevertheless the Katyn massacre in Poland, in the spring of 1940, orchestrated by the Soviet armies of Stalin, demonstrates that at that time, this dictator was not left out on the bloody brotherhood (admittedly temporary) with Hitler…

The statement "And arms will stand up, proceeding from him; and they will profane the sanctuary", alludes to the Nazi salute which served as a religious act of worship, with the right arm ostensibly raised, (as well as the greeting of the Roman emperors), recognizing in Adolf Hitler, the messiah of the thousand-year-old reign of the German Reich.

The biblical expression "to profane the sanctuary", means to render a rival worship, an adoration to another god (in this case to a deified human). The Worship to the Only True God, Jehovah (YHWH), was normally rendered in the Temple Sanctuary, in the Holy Part. It should be remembered that the book of Daniel is centered on the right to the sovereignty of God, but also on the humans (even a minority of all of humanity) who support it and who are considered "holy ones" or apart, from God's point of view. This is why this biblical book of Daniel, essentially mentions the disastrous consequences on the true worship rendered to Jehovah (YHWH) God and on his Christian servants, the "Holy Ones". The expression to "remove the constant feature", means the removal of the freedom to worship the True God, which actually took place under Nazi Germany and its geographical sphere of influence.

There was a great persecution against the "Holy Ones", the servants of God, who refused to make this famous blasphemous Hitler salute, many of whom died as martyrs in concentration camps. The installation of "the disgusting thing that causes desolation" is the reconstruction of the German army in preparation for the second world war. After the First World War, the Germans used the industry to reconstruct the army and the weapons. According Jesus Christ, “the disgusting thing that causes desolation” is the “army” (Matthew 24:15).


Landing: June 6th, 1944. Omaha Beach.

Landing: June 6th, 1944. Omaha Beach.

In the time of the end the king of the south will engage with him in a pushing, and against him the king of the north will storm with chariots and horsemen and many ships; and he will enter into the lands and sweep through like a flood” (Daniel 11:40).

Here we have the second part of the Second World War: the King of the South (The Americans helped by the Western allies) went on the offensive by a thrust, represented by the landing of June 6, 1944. The German armies, barreling towards the West threw their last forces in particular, against this invasion, but also during the battle of the Ardennes (in France) causing significant losses in men, on the Allied side. The ambiguous formulation of the Angel (that can be understood in both contrary meanings), seems to indicate that the King of the North would prevail, but it is not the case.

In the first formulation of the Angel of Jehovah, the King of the South takes the initiative of an attack against the King in the North by a “pushing”. Then there is the extreme violent reaction of the King of the North, and then the angel said finally, "and he will enter into the lands and sweep through like a flood”. Who? It is the King of the South, the American power. Why? Because the mentions "it will enter into", "sweep through like a flood", harmonize better with the first initiative of the King of the South which has taken the initiative of “a pushing”. If the Angel would describe the success of the counter-attack of the King of the North, he would say, "he will stop him”, being in a logical defensive and not in an offensive logical. Or regarding the first initiative of the assault of the King of South, he would say, “he won’t prevail over him” (Compare with Daniel 11:25b).

Secondly, the continuation of the verse says that this victory of the King of the South would result in the conquest of the “Land of Decoration”, Israel. Who does militarily and politically dominate the Egypt and Israel? The American power does. That is the demonstration that the Angel of Jehovah was referring to the victory of the King of the South in Daniel 11:40-43).


"Haganah Ship Exodus 1947": the State of Israel has strengthened its demography by a migration policy to encourage many Jews from many parts of the worldwide diaspora, as Jews of Libya or in Ethiopia and many other States of Eastern Europe, to “return” to the “Land of Decoration”, Israel

"He will also enter into the land of the Decoration, and many lands will be made to stumble. But these are the ones that will escape out of his hand: Eʹdom and Moʹab and the main part of the Ammonites. And he will keep thrusting out his hand against the lands; and as regards the land of Egypt, she will not escape” (Daniel 11:41,42).

There is the same enumeration of these three nations, in the same order in Deuteronomy 2:1-23, in the last talk of Moses, just before the conquest by Israel of the “Promise Land”. Thus, this symbolism of Daniel 11:41,42, is the prophetic illustration of Zionism (Mount Zion being the place where Jerusalem is, the capital of Israel at the biblical time). According to the Bible, God gave the promised land to Israel at the time of Moses (Deuteronomy 2:1-23).

It is written in the prophecy of Daniel, regarding the conquest of the land of the Decoration, by the King of the South, that three territories which no longer exist, will be an exception. Here is their mention in the latest speech of Moses, to the people of Israel, before the gates of the Promised Land:

The territory of Edom (Seir) (the territory of Saul, twin brother of Jacob, ancestor of the nation of Israel): “Finally Jehovah said to me, ‘You have gone around this mountain long enough. Now turn north. And give this command to the people: “You will pass by the border of your brothers, the descendants of Eʹsau, who are dwelling in Seʹir, and they will be afraid of you, and you must be very careful. Do not engage in hostilities with them, for I will not give you any of their land, not even the space of a footprint, because I have given Mount Seʹir to Eʹsau as his possession” (Deuteronomy 2:2-5).

Moab and Ammon (the two sons of Lot (their ancestor), nephew of Abraham): “Next we turned and traveled by the way of the wilderness of Moʹab. Jehovah then said to me, ‘Do not engage in hostilities or in war with Moʹab, for I will not give you any of his land as a possession because I have given Ar as a possession to the descendants of Lot. (...) Jehovah spoke to me again, saying, ‘Today you are to pass by the territory of Moʹab, that is, Ar. When you come near to the Amʹmon·ites, do not harass or provoke them, for I will not give you any of the land of the Amʹmon·ites as a possession, because I have given it to the descendants of Lot as their possession” (Deuteronomy 2:8b,9 (Moab),17-19 (Ammon)).

The Judaic Zionists and the American Zionists as evangelical Christian (fundamentalist Protestants), believe that the same divine law which existed at the time of Moses, at the moment of entry of the Israelites into the Promised Land, is still in effect. This prophecy shows the decisive role of the king of the south, the current world power, in the constitution of the state of Israel in 1948 and then regarding the conquest of the land of the Decoration (Palestine).

The American power has played a key political role to allow the Jewish people to have an independent state recognized by the UN. Financial aid for the purchase of arms through the American Jewish diaspora (represented by the Jewish Agency), has played a very important role in Israel’s military superiority against the Arab states. The conflicts between Arabs and Israelis have resulted, ultimately, in the confiscation of a large part of the territories of Palestine where the Arab civilian populations lived, inhabited by them in three quarters of the territory (forced to flee the fighting without the possibility to return to their home). The new nation of Israel created in 1948, ensured its territorial security by its military superiority in the conflicts, particularly with Egypt (The six days war (1967)).

The global impact of the creation of the State of Israel in 1948

It is written this for to describe the worldwide consequences of the conquest of the “Land of Decoration” by the king of South: “He will also enter into the land of the Decoration, and many lands will be made to stumble” (Daniel 11:41).

Indeed, the creation of the State of Israel had international consequences leading to a new form of conflict: international terrorism organized by few states or political organizations hostile to the creation of the State of Israel, until our days. Palestinian terrorist attacks, Libyans, many wars in the Middle East, in Lebanon, in Syria, in Iraq with a worldwide impact, with many civilian and military victims both in the Middle East in the world, represent, in fact, the consequences of the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, according to the prophecy of Daniel.

The king of the South encourages a migration policy by Israel to strengthen its demography in Middle East

“And he will rule over the hidden treasures of gold and silver and over all the desirable things of Egypt. And the Libʹy·ans and the E·thi·oʹpi·ans will be at his steps” (Daniel 11:43).

The first part of the verse shows how the American imperialism in Middle East, represented by Israel, but also by Egypt, has been able to use its influence for better to plunder its resources, among other oil ressources in Gulf Arab States. The second part of the verse shows how the State of Israel has strengthened its demography by a migration policy to encourage many Jews from many part of the worldwide diaspora, as Jews of Libya or in Ethiopia and many other States of Eastern Europe, to “return” to the “Land of Decoration”, Israel.

“But reports out of the east and out of the north will disturb him, and he will go out in a great rage to annihilate and to devote many to destruction. And he will plant his royal tents between the grand sea and the holy mountain of Decoration; and he will come all the way to his end, and there will be no helper for him”

(Daniel 11:44,45)

But reports out of the east and out of the north will disturb him, and he will go out in a great rage to annihilate and to devote many to destruction

Under the direction of the UN, Operation Desert Storm, with a militarized coalition of 33 countries, of which the United States will be the spearhead, will cause a wave of bombardment in Iraq, without precedent, from January 18 to February 28, 1991

Under the direction of the UN, Operation Desert Storm, with a militarized coalition of 33 countries, of which the United States will be the spearhead, will cause a wave of bombardment in Iraq, without precedent, from January 18 to February 28, 1991

On August 2, 1990, the Iraqi army from the "east" invaded Kuwait. The problem is that this small state has a highly strategic importance, with its petroleum resources which supply most Western countries with energy. The invasion of this country will trigger the largest military operation against Iraq (the former place of Babylon). Under the direction of the UN, Operation Desert Storm, with a militarized coalition of 33 countries, of which the United States will be the spearhead, will cause a wave of bombardment in Iraq, without precedent, from January 18 to February 28, 1991. At the end of this conflict, President George Bush (Father), will preserve the government of President Saddam Hussein (THE DESTRUCTION OF BABYLON THE GREAT).

On March 20, 2003, the President of the United States, George Bush (Son), attacked Iraq a second time (Operation Iraqi Freedom), claiming that Saddam Hussein had highly dangerous weapons. After a quick victory (May 1, 2003), this time Saddam Hussein will be killed and the country will not only be ruined, but in a situation of civil war punctuated by numerous murderous attacks. This war has caused chaos in Iraq lasting until now.

After the attacks of the World Trade Center, on September 11, 2001, the president George Bush (Son) invaded the "east", Afghanistan, starting a war with other western armies’ allies, from 2001 to 2014. This country will suffer exactly the same chaos as in Iraq, with numerous deadly attacks, until today.

While the United States and the main western countries, used the Iraqi regime and the dictator Saddam Hussein, as a bulwark against the Iranian Islamic revolution, started in 1979, the total destruction of Iraq caused an accentuation of the preeminence of Iran in most of the Gulf States and the Middle East. This serious threat this time, had a double geographic repercussion, in the "east" and in the "north" simultaneously. The United States and Israel suspect the Iranians, a state of the "east", of equipping themselves with a nuclear strike force. In addition, the country of Israel is in conflict, in the "north", in southern part of Lebanon with the militia of Hezbollah which was supported by Iran. After completely destroying Iraq (ancient Babylon), the king of the south was worried both in the "east", by Iran, and in the "north", in the southern part of Lebanon, by the Hezbollah, and the war in Syria since 2011.

Since the Arab Revolution (Arab Spring) of 2011, the United States, supported by Western nations, particularly France, have not stopped seeking to destabilize the Syria government of Bashar al-Assad. There is no doubt that the French (with the DGSE) and the United States (with the CIA) supported the creation of jihadist militias such as Al-Qaeda, Al-Nosra and Islamic State (Daesh) (in Syria and Iraq) to destabilize the Syrian government. However, the government of Bashar al-Assad, despite the assaults of the West, remained in place thanks to the support of the Russians, but also of Iran. Nevertheless, on December 8, 2024, the United States (this time supported by Great Britain (MI6)) with the Turkish army, overthrew the Syrian government of Bashar al-Assad, without the Russians and Iranians support. This situation is clearly an indirect consequence of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

In parallel with the war in Syria, it is worth mentioning the devastating consequences of the Hamas attack on 7 October 2023, which killed a large number of civilians, and the military counter-attack by Israel, which has since invaded the Gaza Strip. In addition to this attack on the Gaza Strip, there are clashes in the West Bank between Israeli settlers, Palestinians and the Israeli Defense and Security Forces. Added to this are the beep attacks in Lebanon, which took place on September 17 and 18, 2024, perpetrated by Israel, causing the deaths of 37 people and injuring 2,931 people over the two days (according to Amnesty International figures). These beep attacks, perpetrated by Israel, were part of the conflict with Hezbollah in southern Lebanon. On September 23, 2024, an Israeli attack against Hezbollah in Lebanon caused the deaths of 558 people and injuring 1,800 people (according to Amnesty International figures).

The attack against the regime of Bashar al-Assad took place with the Turkish armies supporting the Islamist militias of the HTC (Hayat Tahrir Al-Cham). They entered through Aleppo and then seized the city of Damascus. Bashar al-Assad was evacuated by the Russian army to Russia. He has been replaced by an Islamist named Abu Mohammed al-Joulani. He is the former number 2 of Daesh (a former jihadist of the Al-Nusra Front, Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State (in Iraq)) whose head was put at a price of 10 million dollars by the United States as a terrorist. While Abu Mohammed al-Joulani seized power in Damascus, the Israelis bombed Syrian military bases, the air force and the navy, in order to prevent the Islamists from seizing these military arsenals. Israel took advantage of this to completely annex the Golan Heights and the entirety of Mount Hermon. This entire military operation has been carried out under the supervision of the American State Department (the "coincidence" of the calendar meant that American General Jasper Jeffers was in Lebanon about a week before the attack by the Turkish army (part of NATO), supporting the Islamist militias of Abu Mohammed al-Joulani).

This event completely changes the influence of the forces present, political and military in this part of the Middle East. Hezbollah, as a militia, no longer has the direct military support of Iran. Hamas is in fact increasingly isolated. Iran (which supported Hezbollah) and Russia did not support the regime of Bashar al-Assad, against the attack of the Turkish-jihadist armies so that we understand that from now on, their military presence will cease in this area of ​​the Middle East (which has consequences on the war in Yemen). The future should be increasingly dark for the Palestinian populations of the Gaza Strip as well as those of the West Bank. The mystical impulses of the Israeli head of state could lead him to completely annex the Gaza Strip and the West Bank (greater Israel).

In conclusion of this update, the regime of Bashar al-Assad (in Syria) and the Hezbollah militias (in South Lebanon) had a more or less stabilizing effect in this region. Now, the fact that the Americans have installed jihadists in Damascus, will make the situation much more unstable, even chaotic on a political and military level, according to what is written in the prophecy of Daniel chapter 11:44,45.

And he will plant his royal tents between the grand sea and the holy mountain of Decoration; and he will come all the way to his end, and there will be no helper for him

The fulfillment of this biblical prophecy took place on May 14, 2018, during the inauguration of the

The fulfillment of this biblical prophecy took place on May 14, 2018, during the inauguration of the "royal tents" of the king of the south, the American embassy in Israel, located very exactly at the foot of the "holy mountain of Decoration" and between the "grand sea" (the Mediterranean Sea)

"The grand Sea" is the Mediterranean Sea. "The Holy Mountain of the Decoration" is where Jerusalem ((Old City (East Jerusalem)) is located, particularly in its eastern part, where Mount Zion is). The Decoration is Israel, present-day Palestine.

The fulfillment of this biblical prophecy took place on May 14, 2018, during the inauguration of the "royal tents" of the king of the south, the American embassy in Israel, located very exactly at the foot of the "holy mountain of Decoration" and between the "grand sea" ((South/south west of Mount Zion (Old City (East Jerusalem)), between the Karyat Moriah neighborhood (See Genesis 22:2 (Moriah), 14 (Jehovah Yireh)), to the east and the Arnona neighborhood to the west (direction "grand sea")). It is in West Jerusalem (which did not exist when Daniel's prophecy was written). Therefore, being slightly outside the Old City, the "Royal Tents" are between the "Old City" of Jerusalem (East Jerusalem) and the "Grand Sea", the Mediterranean Sea)). The fulfillment of this prophecy is to be connected with the second fulfillment of the prophecy of Jesus Christ, regarding the proximity of the destruction of Jerusalem, in the future great tribulation: "Therefore, when you catch sight of the disgusting thing that causes desolation, as spoken about by Daniel the prophet, standing in a holy place (let the reader use discernment), then let those in Judea begin fleeing to the mountains" (Matthew 24:15,16). The second fulfillment of this prophecy shows the closeness of the great tribulation. But before, the prophetic narrative concludes on what will happen to this king of the south: "he will come all the way to his end, and there will be no helper for him" (Daniel 11:45b). To better understand the meaning of this conclusion, we can refer to what is written in another prophecy of Daniel, regarding this same the last king of this current world power, which represents the king of the south: "He will even stand up against the Prince of princes, but he will be broken without human hand" (Daniel 8:25). We understand better the sentence "there will be no helper for him". On the day of the great tribulation, who will be able to stand up to King Jesus Christ and his angels (Matthew 25:31) (THE NEW JERUSALEM )?

The American Fundamentalist Protestant Zionism

The Professor Henry Laurens, holder of the chair in "Contemporary History of the Arab World" at the "Collège de France" (since September 1, 2003), has well illustrated in one of his courses, the American Protestant Zionism, in the following way:

"When Netanyahu arrived in Washington on January 20, 1998, his first contacts were with his Republican friends, the Speaker of the House of Representatives (name), and Jeremy Falwell, a fundamentalist preacher at the head of a real empire in the media. The Likud (Israeli political party of the right (Zionist and security)), plays the card of Protestant fundamentalism to the full, which sees in the support for the Jewish State, a Christian obligation in a millenarian tone. I recall what is called "Christian Zionism", which is a long tradition within the history of Protestantism that is called the fulfillment of prophecies, since this millenarian tradition appeared in Cromwell's England in the middle of the 17th century and that the great French Protestant Jurieu wrote a book at the end of the 17th century which deals precisely with the fulfillment of prophecies. And in this fulfillment of prophecies, the Jews must go to the Holy Land as a step towards the advent of the millennium, which is a desirable thing. This political-religious pact is cemented in the refusal of any abandonment of the land of Israel and makes Islam a common enemy of Jews and Christians" (The Question of Palestine - The Failure of a Peace Process (November 29, 2013)).

The excerpt from this course explains in a very concise and quite complete way at the same time, this ambiguous relationship between the Jewish Zionists of the Likud party (in Israel) and the fundamentalist Protestant Christians of the Republican party (in the United States) and the source of tension with the Arab peoples of Muslim faiths, whether Sunnis (Hamas in the Gaza Strip), Shiites (Hezbollah in Lebanon supported by Iran) and Alawites (in Syria) (not to mention the multiple jihadist paramilitary groups (Sunnis) in Syria or towards the Syrian-Lebanese border) (The Likud is a reminiscence of the Irgun, a far-right paramilitary Zionist group from the 1930s to the 1940s. The Haganah being a far-left Marxist paramilitary Zionist party from the 1920s to the 1940s).

In this excerpt you will note very old dates, from January 20, 1998, and the date of this course given on November 29, 2013, by the Historian and Professor Henry Laurens, at the "Collège de France", and despite everything, it has not aged at all. The political and military actions of the Israeli and American Zionists have not changed. Since the Hamas attack on October 7, 2023, the response of Mr. Netanyahu, Israeli head of state, on the Gaza Strip, seems to follow the ideological logic of Greater Israel, of the former fascist political party of the Irgun, by annexing it and eventually deporting the Palestinians to the Sinai. This same logic of expropriation of the Arab people, represented by the Palestinians, is also being carried out in the West Bank. The fall of Bashar al-Assad on December 8, 2024, supported by the United States, does not bode well for the Arab civilian populations of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, being deprived of their allies, Syria, Iran and Hezbollah as an organized militia in southern Lebanon.

Let us return for a moment to a quote from Daniel’s prophecy to understand in detail what is happening in the Middle East: “He will also enter into the land of the Decoration, and many lands will be made to stumble. But these are the ones that will escape out of his hand: Edom and Moab and the main part of the Ammonites. And he will keep thrusting out his hand against the lands; and as regards the land of Egypt, she will not escape. And he will rule over the hidden treasures of gold and silver and over all the desirable things of Egypt. And the Libyans and the Ethiopians will be at his steps” (Daniel 11:41-43).

- The first point of understanding is that we have confirmation that this is indeed the description of the actions of the king of the South (and not the king of the North). The events of December 8, 2024 have demonstrated that the United States (and not Russia) is currently the master of the game (with Israel) in the Middle East: "In the time of the end the king of the south will engage with him in a pushing, and against him the king of the north will storm with chariots and horsemen and many ships; and he will enter into the lands and sweep through like a flood" (Daniel 11:40).

- The second point of understanding is that the ideology of the conquest of the land of the Decoration by Israel, the nation representing the imperialism of the United States (the king of the South), in the Middle East, is confirmed in the person of Mr. Netanyahu, who it seems, is continuing his policy of conquest of Greater Israel (verse 41).

- The third point of understanding is the ideology of the plunder of the Americans in the Middle East (not of the nation of Israel): to take control of the oil and gas wells so that their multinationals can exploit them. The fall of Bashar al-Assad on December 8, 2024 is entirely in line with this logic of plundering Syria's oil and gas resources (verse 43).

It is worth repeating the following point in connection with the events of December 8, 2024: the regime of Bashar al-Assad (in Syria) and the Hezbollah militias (in southern Lebanon) had a more or less stabilizing effect in this region. Now, the fact that the Americans have installed jihadists in Damascus will make the situation much more unstable or even chaotic on a political and military level, in accordance with what is written in the prophecy of Daniel chapter 11:44,45.

Jesus Christ, when he pronounced his prophecy on the last days (Matthew chapters 24 and 25, Mark 13 and Luke 21), he used an expression to designate the Roman armies of his time: "Therefore, when you catch sight of the disgusting thing that causes desolation, as spoken about by Daniel the prophet, standing in a holy place" (Matthew 24:15). The Western nations that gave birth to the United States are a reminiscence of the Roman world of the time of Jesus Christ. Thus, the current "disgusting thing that causes desolation" and chaos is none other than the United States military. The disastrous actions of the king of the South will lead straight to the prophetic events described in Daniel 12:1: "During that time Michael will stand up, the great prince who is standing in behalf of your people. And there will occur a time of distress such as has not occurred since there came to be a nation until that time".

"During that time Michael will stand up, the great prince who is standing in behalf of your people. And there will occur a time of distress such as has not occurred since there came to be a nation until that time. And during that time your people will escape, everyone who is found written down in the book"

(Daniel 12: 1)

"During that time", mentioned in the prophecy, seems to begin at the time when the king of the south behaves extremely destructive, written in verse 11:44. This "time" began, therefore, in early 1991, at the time of the first Gulf War (Operation Desert Storm), and will end at the great tribulation, written in Daniel 12:1.

The people of God that will escape this great distress are described in the book of Revelation, as being the great crowd: "After this I saw, and look! a great crowd, which no man was able to number, out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, dressed in white robes; and there were palm branches in their hands. And they keep shouting with a loud voice, saying: “Salvation we owe to our God, who is seated on the throne, and to the Lamb.”

All the angels were standing around the throne and the elders and the four living creatures, and they fell facedown before the throne and worshipped God, saying: “Amen! Let the praise and the glory and the wisdom and the thanksgiving and the honor and the power and the strength be to our God forever and ever. Amen.”

In response one of the elders said to me: “These who are dressed in the white robes, who are they and where did they come from?” So right away I said to him: “My lord, you are the one who knows.” And he said to me: “These are the ones who come out of the great tribulation, and they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. That is why they are before the throne of God, and they are rendering him sacred service day and night in his temple; and the One seated on the throne will spread his tent over them. They will hunger no more nor thirst anymore, neither will the sun beat down on them nor any scorching heat, because the Lamb, who is in the midst of the throne, will shepherd them and will guide them to springs of waters of life. And God will wipe out every tear from their eyes”" (Revelation 7:9-17).

According to the prophecy of Zechariah 13:8,9, God designated this great crowd, of His People, as the third part of the current mankind which will survive the great tribulation: "And in all the land,” declares Jehovah, “Two parts in it will be cut off and perish; And the third part will be left remaining in it.  And I will bring the third part through the fire; And I will refine them as silver is refined, And test them as gold is tested. They will call on my name, And I will answer them. I will say, ‘They are my people,’ And they will say, ‘Jehovah is our God" (Zechariah 13:8,9).